Job Search Interviewing

Nothing strikes fear and anxiety in a job seeker quite so much as the thought of job search interviewing. Learn tips and tricks and get expert advice on job search interviewing in the articles on our blog.

Important Questions You Can Ask When You Are Interviewing For a New Job

  "Interviewing". Yes, we know.  We feel your pain.  No matter how much we try to tell ourselves otherwise, a job interview is usually not a good time, ranking somewhere below attending traffic school among things we look forward to. Sure, interviewing for a new

2022-10-15T00:27:02+00:00October 7th, 2013|Job Search Interviewing|

Overcoming Shyness in Your Job Search

Are you shy?  Do you feel awkward in social settings that involve people you don't know, or perhaps even people you do? If so, then a job search and overcoming shyness is probably not your favorite project, requiring as it does networking, cold-calling, follow up

How To Use Stories To Turn Your Job Interview Into a Job Offer

How can stories help you turn an interview into a job offer? It is simpler than you think, and the effect is powerful. "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....". A simple phrase, familiar to moviegoers everywhere, and one which triggers

5 Steps To Landing The Job: How To Follow Up After A Job Interview

The job interview is over.  You rerun it in your mind, probably repeatedly.  In so doing, however, you're actually distracting yourself from taking steps that may still impact whether you get the job or not.  After all, there's no point in herding "COWS" (Coulda, oughta,

2022-10-15T00:37:03+00:00March 27th, 2013|Job Search Interviewing|

And You Thought Job Searching Just Meant Looking for Work

Once upon a time, job searching basically meant perusing the Classifieds, sending a resume and cover letter, waiting for the phone to ring and sitting through one or more interview sessions and trying mightily to convey how your experience, background and training were commensurate with

Gathering Intel for your Job Interview – A Guide To Career Advancement Reconnaissance

  Once upon a time, the key to getting a job was nailing the job interview.  Well, okay, perhaps that still is the key.  What has changed, however, is what is expected of you during that job interview. Professional appearance, a ready smile, steady demeanor

2022-10-15T12:49:55+00:00February 13th, 2013|Job Search Interviewing|

The Unlucky 7: Job Interview Etiquette Mistakes That You MUST Avoid

Has civility completely become a lost art?  Think about it.  The anonymity of social media tools on the internet enables people to say virtually anything they want, no matter how inappropriate, offensive, or socially unacceptable it might be. Words and conduct once considered to be

2023-10-23T17:09:40+00:00February 7th, 2013|Job Search Interviewing|

How-To Dress for Success and Ace Your Next Job Interview

  There’s a lot of focus on preparing your resume to get a job interview: which keywords to use, which accomplishments to include or exclude, and which format to apply. Many of the most successful job seekers work with professional resume writers to ensure their

2022-11-16T18:16:18+00:00January 31st, 2013|Job Search Interviewing|

Essentials That You Must Know to Ace the Interview

A great cover letter, recommendation, or resume might get you in the door for your dream job, but it’s the interview that will keep you there.  A prospective employer wants to know that you are not only qualified but that you’re a great candidate

2023-10-23T17:00:54+00:00August 2nd, 2012|Job Search Interviewing|
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