Job Search Interviewing

Nothing strikes fear and anxiety in a job seeker quite so much as the thought of job search interviewing. Learn tips and tricks and get expert advice on job search interviewing in the articles on our blog.

What Every Job Seeker Needs to Know About Body Language

Body language and facial expressions are essential sources of communication. If you are a job seeker, you are probably thinking “What?! It is bad enough that I need to worry about creating a resume, worry about building my network, worry about dressing to impress

How To Prepare For A Virtual Job Interview

Virtual job interviews. We originally published this article in 2012. Virtual interviewing was a novelty back then. Today, it is a common practice, and this was true even before the COVID-19 pandemic. It was far past time for us to update the tips in

7 Job Search Confidence Hacks You Can Implement Today

Building your courage and increasing your self-confidence is an important topic and something everyone can benefit from, not just job seekers. But, there is no doubt that searching for a new job requires a high level of confidence, resilience, and yes, even courage. It

12 Easy Steps to Acing Any Telephone Screening Job Interview

The first hurdle to overcome in getting that new job is often a telephone screening job interview. Recruiters and HR people use it as an initial device to pare down a list of job applicants. Their intended outcome is to find reasons to cut

2022-10-15T12:52:57+00:00February 24th, 2020|Job Search Interviewing|

3 Must-Knows For Turning Interviews Into Job Offers

It's Wednesday morning. Most of your friends are well into their workday, slugging down their fourth 'get-me-through-another-meeting' coffee, laughing at the boss' latest lame attempt at a joke. But not you. Not today. Today, you're headed to an interview. If you are like most

2022-10-15T04:35:46+00:00May 17th, 2016|Job Search Interviewing|

Gain the Interview Advantage: Benefits of Interview Coaching

Wow. You had no idea your job search would be such hard work, did you? But the standout resume we created for you at Distinctive Documents really paid off. And all the time and effort you've spent networking, researching, applying and following up have reaped

2023-10-23T17:07:05+00:00April 6th, 2015|Job Search Interviewing|

Get The Job Offer: 7 Action Steps To Take After The Job Interview

You did it!  You landed the interview for the job of your dreams!  Okay, maybe it "just a job", but it was important enough for you to suit up and show up, right?  So you clearly have some interest in getting it. Now that

What To Say In a Job Interview When You’ve Been Fired

Okay, so you've been fired.  It happens, even to interesting and successful people.  Perhaps you saw it coming.  Perhaps you didn't (which is a topic for another time).  Either way, the effect a termination has on your life usually ranges from unpleasant to downright devastating.

Job Interview Jitters? What You Can Do To Soothe Them

Work can be stressful.  Being out of work can be very stressful.  And looking for work is stressful as well.  There are few things (a visit to the dentist, for example) more sweaty palm inducing than sitting through a job interview. Whether your angst is attributable to

2022-10-14T18:53:54+00:00April 16th, 2014|Job Search Interviewing|

The Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting an Informational Interview

What if you could get “inside information” about a company you’re interested in working for, or about a specific job you’re applying for? If you’re thinking about changing careers, talking to someone who does the job you’re interested in can give you insight into

2023-10-23T17:09:25+00:00October 18th, 2013|Job Search Interviewing|
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