Job Search Networking

Job search networking is the single most effective job search technique. No matter how you feel about job search networking (and to be honest, many job seekers say they hate it), the articles on our blog will make networking simple and easy for you Lear how to network and how to network effectively.

The Job Seeker’s Guide to Expanding Your Network: Building Bridges for Career Success

You've almost surely heard the age-old adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know." And there is a reason this saying endures: it captures the essential truth that job search and career success often hinges not just on your skills and knowledge

2024-04-22T18:50:55+00:00April 22nd, 2024|Job Search Networking|

18 Communication Skills to Master for a Successful Job Search

Communication is one of the most important skills to master when it comes to your job search. From networking meetings and phone calls to job interviews, strong communication skills are essential for a successful job search. Mastering communication skills can help you stand out

12 Painless Ways to Continue With a Holiday Season Job Search

Ah, the holiday season. There's nothing quite like it! From the appearance of delectable Thanksgiving treats in the grocery store to Christmas and Hanukkah decorations on full display, there are plenty of signs that the festive winter holiday season has commenced! Yet, here you

2023-11-23T00:25:38+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Job Search Advice, Job Search Networking|

12 Ways to Make a Great First Impression on Potential Employers

Making a good first impression is essential in any situation, but it's especially crucial when job searching. After all, you only get one chance to make a first impression on a potential employer, and first impressions are lasting impressions. This is true whether that

12 Astonishingly Effective Ways to Lower Your Social Anxiety When Job Searching

If even the thought of job searching and all the networking it will require makes you feel anxious, you aren’t alone. Social anxiety when job searching is a problem for many people. If you’ve ever gone to an event requiring you to interact and

Job Hunting Scripts: Essential Tips on What to Say & How to Say It

While many people struggle to handle the many interpersonal situations they find themselves in when job hunting, few people actually take the time to create job hunting scripts. Yet, doing so can give you a huge competitive advantage in the job market. Being able

Master the Art of Career Storytelling & Command a Powerful Job Search Edge

Career storytelling can be essential to the success of your job search. Once upon a time… No! Not that kind of storytelling. In the context of a job search, the stories of professional success that you share—in your resume, your LinkedIn profile, your biography,

Connecting with Venture Capital & Private Equity Investors

If you are an executive in the job market, you are probably aware of how important it can be to tap into your network to learn about and pursue unadvertised executive opportunities. Survey after survey finds the same: between 80-90% of executive jobs, especially

Is a Recruiter Distribution of My Resume Right for My Job Search?

This is a common question at Distinctive Career Services. But even though introducing yourself and networking with recruiters is a good investment for almost every job hunter, providing reassurance that a recruiter distribution will reap immediate results is far less clear cut or predictable.

What Every Job Seeker Needs to Know About Body Language

Body language and facial expressions are essential sources of communication. If you are a job seeker, you are probably thinking “What?! It is bad enough that I need to worry about creating a resume, worry about building my network, worry about dressing to impress

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