Personal Branding

If you are in the job market today, it is almost impossible to escape the concept of personal branding.

Simply put, in relation to your job search, personal branding refers to clarifying and communicating what makes you and your unique value proposition different and special in the workplace.

Taking control of your personal brand can help you to become hunted rather than being the hunter in a job search.

Still, personal branding remains widely misunderstood.

The tips and strategies in this blog will help you take control of your personal brand and leverage your personal brand for your career.

How-to Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Multimedia Career Portfolio

Once upon a time, conducting a job search was relatively straightforward: You'd ask friends and acquaintances if they knew of any openings, peruse the classified ads section of the local newspaper, and send resumes along with a good cover letter. In 1996, when Distinctive Career

13 Tips for Choosing Your LinkedIn Profile Photo (and Why You Need One!)

Your profile photo on LinkedIn is VERY important. Did you know that profiles with photos attract between 50-70% more inquiries than profiles without photos? "You never get a second chance to make a first impression". We've all heard the expression and, while sometimes

The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding and Your Job Search

    Branding.  Long a buzzword used to describe the marketing of products, services, and organizations, "branding" is now applicable to the individual as well, in what has become known as your "personal brand." "Your premium brand had better be delivering something special,

2022-10-15T12:58:04+00:00January 11th, 2020|Personal Branding, Personal Marketing|

The Ultimate List of Core Values and Personal Brand Attributes

A successful personal brand is authentic. It reflects your unique personal attributes. Uncovering your personal brand requires self-evaluation to identify your passions, values, and aspects of your personality. Review the following list of more than 325 core values and personality traits. Narrow the list

2025-01-30T22:50:10+00:00May 24th, 2019|Personal Branding, Personal Marketing|

Easy Steps to Get Started Using Twitter to Find A New Job

      Do you Tweet? If not, maybe you should, especially if you are trying to find a new job. Perhaps it would be misleading to say that as a job searcher you MUST be on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or other social and business

Googled Yourself Lately? Why Your Online Image Is Critical To Your Job Search

  Small business owners find Google search a fast free tool to check their job candidates. Most large businesses now require a search for the same reasons. Moreover, the Google search links to your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles (and more), so if you are involved

3 Key Ways That Blogging Can Be Good For Your Career

Can blogging be good for your career? It is a question that you may never have considered before. But, think about it. What better way to improve and grow your personal brand and professional credibility and online presence than to start a blog? It

Tips to Advance Your Career by Optimizing Your Online Presence

Networking used to mean lots of face-to-face time meeting people at workshops and conventions, making calls, handing out business cards, and asking friends for introductions. While this is still true, the social network has added many new ways to build and cultivate your network. 

5-Step Elevator Pitch Template & Examples for Job Hunters

The elevator pitch aka elevator speech. You are probably familiar with the term. It is most commonly used to describe the concise 30-second speech that business owners and executives, as well as salespeople, use to describe their business, product, or service to others. More

5 Insider Secrets to Ramp Up Your Job Search By Incorporating Your Personal Brand

When you think about your next career move, how would things be different for you if you were HUNTED rather than being the HUNTER? Personal branding (the process of clarifying and communicating what makes you and your unique value proposition different and special) allows you

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