Resume Writing Tips

Resume writing. It is the task that job seekers agonize over. Does your resume stand out? Is it memorable? Will it help you land the job you dream about?

If you are in the job market, you probably know the feeling of excitedly sending your resume in response to a job opportunity that you know is perfect for you. But then…nothing. Just crickets. So you repeat this exercise with the next job opening…again crickets.

Before you know it, you’ve sent dozens like this. And you just wait and wait. Your confidence takes a nosedive and disappointment settles in the pit of your stomach. You start scouring the internet, searching for resume writing tips that will help you understand where you went wrong.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, the resume writing tips on our blog will help you transform and improve your resume! You literally have less than 10 seconds to capture a hiring manager’s attention with your resume.

The articles on this blog will help you:

  • understand current resume writing trends and best practices,
  • learn to quantify your value and make your experience shine,
  • tell your story in a compelling format that maps to employers’ needs, and
  • redesign your resume into a modern and eye-catching format.

But, when you are ready to take it to the next level, our best advice is to work with a professional resume writer in a top-notch firm like Distinctive Career Services. We can help you transform your ordinary resume into an extraordinary, attention-drabbing, interview-generating masterpiece. Book a free Discovery Consultation with us, to learn more.

No Achievements for Your Resume? Here’s How to Impress Anyway

Achievements play a crucial role in making your resume stand out from the competition. They do more than just list your job responsibilities; they showcase your impact, highlight your capabilities, and demonstrate your potential to future employers. Achievements turn a mundane job description into

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Unlock the Power of Storytelling to Transform Your Resume

Imagine a resume that not only lists your experiences but tells your story so vividly that hiring managers can't wait to meet you. In a landscape flooded with qualified candidates, your resume needs to be more than a mere enumeration of bullet points and

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Your Resume Value Proposition – The Key To a Standout Resume

If you have had any exposure to sales or marketing, you know that creating a unique value proposition is a foundational part of every marketing campaign. Likewise, defining a resume value proposition is a vital aspect of your personal marketing campaign as you pursue

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How-to Write a Targeted Resume That Gets Attention (Plus Expert Tips & Examples)

Writing a resume can be a daunting task for job seekers. With recruiters and hiring managers inundated with hundreds of resumes, your resume must stand out from the crowd. The most effective way to achieve this is by creating a targeted resume. A targeted

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CAR Format Resume Writing: 3 Key Elements For An Irresistible Resume

Focus on accomplishments in your resume: this is common resume writing advice that almost everyone has heard. After all, past performance is the best predictor of future results. Accomplishments help hiring managers understand the potential benefits and results you could produce for them should

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Stand Out & Get Hired: Research-Based Resume Writing Best Practices

Picture this: you're in a race, but it's not just any race. It's a race where the track keeps changing, the rules keep evolving, and the finish line keeps moving. That's what today's job market feels like. Your resume is your running shoes in

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12 Common Resume Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

Your resume is your best chance to make a great first impression on potential employers. As such, it’s important to ensure that your resume is error-free and paints you in the best light possible. However, even the most qualified candidates often make resume mistakes

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How To Write a Great Resume in 9 Easy Steps (with Examples)

How to write a resume--not to mention a GREAT resume--is a question that challenges almost every job seeker at the start of every new job search. It's no secret that learning how to write a resume is an essential skill for career success, and

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