
About Michelle Dumas

Michelle Dumas is the founder and CEO of Distinctive Career Services, one of the internet's longest-standing and most respected professional resume writing firms. Michelle is a 6X certified and 7X award-winning resume writer and career consultant. To learn more about the services offered by Distinctive Career Services visit https://www.distinctiveweb.com

How to Climb the Corporate Ladder: Expert Tips to Move Up Quickly

Imagine standing at the base of a towering skyscraper, your eyes fixed on the penthouse suite at the very top. That’s your career goal – but how do you get there? In the cutthroat world of corporate America, climbing the ladder isn’t just about

2024-07-12T15:44:09+00:00July 12th, 2024|Career Management|

12 Questions to Help You Identify Your Ideal Career Path

How to find the best career path for you? It's a question that many people struggle with throughout their professional lives. Whether you're a recent graduate embarking on your first job search or a seasoned professional considering a career change, identifying the right career

2024-07-11T20:10:47+00:00July 11th, 2024|Career Management|

No Achievements for Your Resume? Here’s How to Impress Anyway

Achievements play a crucial role in making your resume stand out from the competition. They do more than just list your job responsibilities; they showcase your impact, highlight your capabilities, and demonstrate your potential to future employers. Achievements turn a mundane job description into

2024-07-08T18:37:01+00:00July 8th, 2024|Resume Writing Tips|

Unlock the Power of Storytelling to Transform Your Resume

Imagine a resume that not only lists your experiences but tells your story so vividly that hiring managers can't wait to meet you. In a landscape flooded with qualified candidates, your resume needs to be more than a mere enumeration of bullet points and

2024-06-11T18:57:11+00:00June 11th, 2024|Resume Writing Tips|

Elevate Your Career with Strategic Online Reputation Management

Imagine discovering that a single Google search could determine your career’s future. What would it reveal? In the vast expanse of the digital world, every tweet, post, and photo becomes a permanent part of your professional narrative, accessible to potential employers at the click

2024-06-06T12:15:38+00:00June 6th, 2024|Personal Marketing|

The Job Seeker’s Guide to Expanding Your Network: Building Bridges for Career Success

You've almost surely heard the age-old adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know." And there is a reason this saying endures: it captures the essential truth that job search and career success often hinges not just on your skills and knowledge

2024-04-22T18:50:55+00:00April 22nd, 2024|Job Search Networking|

“Tell Me About Yourself” How To Answer The Most Common Interview Question

So you’ve finally landed that interview for that job you’re dying to get. Or maybe you have an informational interview lined up or will be attending a networking event next week. You’ve researched the industry, and the company, confirmed that your references will provide glowing

2024-04-18T16:08:49+00:00February 27th, 2024|Job Search Interviewing|

Need a Job Fast? 12 Actionable Steps to Land Employment Quickly

Searching for a job, especially when you need a job fast, can be stressful. Very stressful! This article is tailored to those who need to land a new job fast, providing a straightforward, practical guide to help you speed up the job search process.

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