Personal Marketing

Personal career marketing: This isn’t a phrase that is familiar to most people.  Where does it come from?

Simply put, if you consider yourself a career professional, to truly stand out in the job market, you must identify and communicate what it is that makes you unique and valuable among your competitors for the same position.

This is similar to the way that marketers promote products and services. They identify the value proposition and anticipated results that the purchaser can expect, and promote these factors.

Successful job seekers do the same. That is the meaning of personal marketing. Similar to copywriters and other marketing expertise, specialists in personal marketing can help you promote yourself more effectively in the job market.

The articles on this blog will help you “up” your personal career marketing game and win a competitive edge in the job market.

10 Self-Confidence Boosting Tips When Your Job Search Is Getting You Down

Let's face it. Job searching isn't fun. In fact, it can be downright stressful. And if your search is taking longer than you expected it to take, and you find yourself having to cope with what feels like personal rejection each time you fail to make the final cut for a

Do’s and Don’ts for Using Facebook When Job Searching

Facebook has always been a great place to connect with friends and loved ones. Now, thanks to its job board feature, using Facebook when job searching is a reality and it could get you your next job. Considering most recruiters use social media in

5 Expert Tips for Professional Networking on LinkedIn

Professional networking online has its unique set of challenges. Generally, it's relatively harder to build personal connections when you don’t have the advantage of face to face meetings. However, LinkedIn offers some golden opportunities to help you create a network that can propel your

10 Online Networking Tips to Help Your Virtual Self Get the Job You Want

There’s a saying that goes, “It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you and what you can do.” And in today’s world, online networking through social media channels provides an invaluable way for you to gain that type of visibility. You can use

Tips to Build Your Social Media Presence So Recruiters Find You Easily

Is a robust social media presence helpful when job searching? The answer is an indisputable YES. Recruiters.  Whether in-house HR recruiters or third-party recruiting firms, many employers use them, rely on them, depend on them to source the best available candidates for job openings.

How-to Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Multimedia Career Portfolio

Once upon a time, conducting a job search was relatively straightforward: You'd ask friends and acquaintances if they knew of any openings, peruse the classified ads section of the local newspaper, and send resumes along with a good cover letter. In 1996, when Distinctive Career

How Recruiters Use Social Media In Making Recruiting & Hiring Decisions

Gone are the days when social media was a "new-fangled" concept. With close to 3.6 billion people on social media today, it should come as no surprise that 70% of employers use social media when screening potential employees. But, how recruiters use social media

7 Ways to Use Pinterest For Your Job Search

Are you pinterested?  No, that's not a typo.  Pinterested. If you're looking for a job or seeking to leave the one you've got, you probably should be. Launched in 2010, a decade later, in 2020, more than 240 billion pins have been posted and

7 Job Search Confidence Hacks You Can Implement Today

Building your courage and increasing your self-confidence is an important topic and something everyone can benefit from, not just job seekers. But, there is no doubt that searching for a new job requires a high level of confidence, resilience, and yes, even courage. It

13 Tips for Choosing Your LinkedIn Profile Photo (and Why You Need One!)

Your profile photo on LinkedIn is VERY important. Did you know that profiles with photos attract between 50-70% more inquiries than profiles without photos? "You never get a second chance to make a first impression". We've all heard the expression and, while sometimes

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