Personal Marketing

Personal career marketing: This isn’t a phrase that is familiar to most people.  Where does it come from?

Simply put, if you consider yourself a career professional, to truly stand out in the job market, you must identify and communicate what it is that makes you unique and valuable among your competitors for the same position.

This is similar to the way that marketers promote products and services. They identify the value proposition and anticipated results that the purchaser can expect, and promote these factors.

Successful job seekers do the same. That is the meaning of personal marketing. Similar to copywriters and other marketing expertise, specialists in personal marketing can help you promote yourself more effectively in the job market.

The articles on this blog will help you “up” your personal career marketing game and win a competitive edge in the job market.

8 Must-Know Differences Between Your Resume, Bio & LinkedIn Profile

Most professionals understand the need for a professional resume. Where things get confusing is when you bring up the need for a professional bio and a LinkedIn profile. While most professionals recognize that a LinkedIn profile and bio could be helpful to them in

101 Fast-Action Things You Can Do Today to Advance Your Career

Time. It is a finite resource that most of us wish there were more of. Even if your deepest wish is to advance your career, for most of us, it never feels like we have enough hours in the day. We get so busy

Master the Art of Career Storytelling & Command a Powerful Job Search Edge

Career storytelling can be essential to the success of your job search. Once upon a time… No! Not that kind of storytelling. In the context of a job search, the stories of professional success that you share—in your resume, your LinkedIn profile, your biography,

Is It Time to Step Outside Your Career Comfort Zone?

One of the hardest things to do in life is to leave your comfort zone. But, if you want to live the life you dream about, it is inevitable that you will eventually be forced to step into the unknown, outside of your comfy

How To Write a Professional Bio (With Templates & Examples)

So, you’ve been asked for your biography. As a professional, you almost surely recognize the need for a resume, and maybe you even have an up-to-date resume ready to be used with very little notice (if you don’t, you should!). But a biography? If

How To Achieve Your Job Change Goals By Managing Your Career Like A Business

You’ve done the work. Over the past 12 months you have searched your soul, done your research, and carefully planned out the job change you’ve been dreaming about. This job change will have a profound impact on your life. Not only will it move

Connecting with Venture Capital & Private Equity Investors

If you are an executive in the job market, you are probably aware of how important it can be to tap into your network to learn about and pursue unadvertised executive opportunities. Survey after survey finds the same: between 80-90% of executive jobs, especially

Is a Recruiter Distribution of My Resume Right for My Job Search?

This is a common question at Distinctive Career Services. But even though introducing yourself and networking with recruiters is a good investment for almost every job hunter, providing reassurance that a recruiter distribution will reap immediate results is far less clear cut or predictable.

How To Communicate More Confidently in Job Interviews

Did you know that your voice and how you speak says a lot about your self-confidence? Becoming confident in the way you communicate can help you to reach your career and job search goals while boosting your self-esteem. Communicating confidently in job interviews is

What Every Job Seeker Needs to Know About Body Language

Body language and facial expressions are essential sources of communication. If you are a job seeker, you are probably thinking “What?! It is bad enough that I need to worry about creating a resume, worry about building my network, worry about dressing to impress

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