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Tips and Expert Advice for Career Planning, Job Searching, Personal Branding, Resume Writing, Interviewing, and More

Career Advice Blog2023-10-31T20:33:33+00:00

At Distinctive Career Services, our mission is to empower you with the tools, resources, and confidence you need to pursue your dream career and build a career you will love! On this blog, get tips and advice to help you to advance in your current career path, make a desired career change, or promote your personal brand and image. Articles cover topics such as career planning, resume writing, LinkedIn profile writing, job searching, interviewing, networking, and more.

7 Resume Writing Tips from a Pro That You Won’t Read Anywhere Else

Resume writing is a task that even the most accomplished professionals dread. Let's face it. It can be daunting to sit down and try to condense your entire work history and accomplishments into one or two pages. It's also

September 28th, 2022|Categories: Resume Writing Tips|

Are You Thinking Too Small When It Comes to Your Career Dreams?

Think small and you'll get small things. Think big and you'll have big successes, big experiences, and big achievements. You may read that and wonder why you haven't realized your career dreams. After all, you've been thinking big and

September 21st, 2022|Categories: Career Management, Personal Marketing|

Resume Help From the Experts: Here’s Why Your Future May Depend On It

Professional resume writing has the potential to change your life. Your career is important. Just as important, or more important than many other things that you entrust to professionals. It is time to hire a professional resume writing service to help you with your resume.

September 8th, 2022|Categories: Resume Writing Tips|

Ultimate Guide to Resume Design: 21+ Inspiring Examples From an Award-Winning Resume Writer

Does your resume design matter? Does the visual look of your resume really make a difference? The answer is a resounding YES. We all know the saying that "you never get a second chance to make a first impression."

September 2nd, 2022|Categories: Resume Writing Tips|

Writing the Perfect Resume: 5 Small But Powerful Changes To Make Today

Unless your current job is also the only job you’ve ever held, you’ve probably conducted a job search more than once in your life. You may even be in one right now. Either way, you know how much work

September 1st, 2022|Categories: Resume Writing Tips|

Fast & Easy Ways to Customize Your Resume to Land the Job You Want

Customizing your resume is key to showing a potential employer that you are the right fit for the job. By taking the time to customize your resume, you are indicating your interest in the position and demonstrating that you

August 4th, 2022|Categories: Resume Writing Tips|


Resume Services Testimonials

Professional Resume Writing Services

You Have One Chance to Make a First Impression. Make it Count!

“I just want to let you know that this week I had four interviews and 3 job offers! One is with my mentor’s company, XXXXX, another with XXXXX, and a third with XXXXX. The salary ranges are from $80-$100k. I’m deliberating now about my options, and will start “negotiations” this afternoon. Two job offers came on the same day (yesterday). Three of the interviews came from my on line responses to ads. The XXXX interview was arranged by my mentor…This all happened (the callbacks) between 1-3 days after I posted my resume. The VP at XXXXX who interviewed me said that he reads thousands of resumes, and that mine was really exceptional. He was talking about your work. Thank you!” – C.R., New York

Professional Resume Writing Services

Not All Resume Firms are Equal. Distinctive Career Services is Renowned for Consistent Excellence!

“Thank you for your services and the excellent resume you produced…There is no question in my mind that this distinctive resume provided me with far more opportunities to talk to recruiters and principals than I would have had otherwise. More than once I heard recruiters say “I pick out two resumes from over 1000 internet responses and you were one of them”…Bottom line I achieved exactly what I was looking for in terms of position, location, and income AND I had choices in terms of multiple offers. It all started by getting someone to notice my resume in with a thousand others.” – C.M., Indiana

Professional Resume Writing Services

An Investment In Your Career & Resume Is An Investment That Will Pay Rewards For Life!

“Great news ! After not much success with my job search I had your company rewrite my resume. Immediately after I received my resume from you I started to get interviews. Sometimes up to 3 different companies a week. After only 4 weeks of interviewing I am delighted to tell you today I have received a job offer for a wonderful job. Not only is a great company and location it is also a pay increase of 28%. I did the math and the cost of my resume was only 1% of my pay increase. The HR Manager said that she literally received hundreds of resume and mine stood out among all of them. Thanks so much.” – M.B., New Hampshire

Resume Examples from Distinctive Career Services

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