100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

We are completely committed to supporting you in achieving your goals, winning your long-term loyalty, and establishing a lifelong relationship.

Your 100% satisfaction and success is our #1 concern and we bend over backwards to make sure we have it. Our business has thrived and grown for 20+ years based on referrals from our past satisfied clients and we want to turn you into a “raving fan” of our service as well, so that you send your friends, family, and colleagues to us when they need help.

Rest assured by choosing us you’ll be getting the strongest resume possible combined with the finest service in the industry.

That’s not only a guarantee, but our promise. Integrity, Quality, and Commitment to Customers are key elements of our Core Values. If ever you feel we’ve haven’t lived up to our promises or your expectations we want you to reach out and talk with us.

We’ll do everything we can to make it right. No excuses. No double talk.

The technical details of our guarantee:

If you are not completely satisfied with the quality of the documents that are produced for you, just let us know before the 15-day proofing period ends. If we are unable to alleviate your concerns with the prepared document, we will assign a new writer and rewrite for free. If you have asked for revisions to draft documents that we believe, in our professional opinion and experience, will negatively impact the document strategy, focus, or results, we will discuss this with you and attempt to find a compromise that satisfies your concerns while maintaining the integrity of the document. If you choose to have us make changes that are against our professional advice, we will do what is necessary to satisfy you, but may ask you to sign a release indicating that the changes were made at your directive.

You agree to take full responsibility for your own success. Results from the documents we produce and the services we provide can and do vary based on a number of factors outside the control of Distinctive Career Services, LLC. If you have not secured an interview within 3 months of using the documents we have created, we will provide a FREE 30-minute consultation to review and evaluate your search strategies and recommend alternate approaches. To take advantage of this free consultation, you must contact us between 90 and 120 days (after 3 months, but not over 4 months) from the delivery of your final documents to schedule an appointment. Any additional editing or writing services agreed upon as a result of this consultation will incur a new fee.